That’s right all the ITPM Professional Masterclass training videos absolutely free. Just contact me and I’ll send you what are widely considered to be the best online courses for retail traders available. All 3 courses are designed specifically for retail traders and aspiring retail traders and deliver a professional trader level education so that retail traders can implement and emulate the same approach used by professional traders.
Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM) Free Download
Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) Free Download
Professional FOREX Trading Masterclass (PFTM) Free Download

The Professional Trading Masterclass (PTM) Video Series is a high-level Professional Grade educational Video Series that is broken down into a format that is understandable to Retail Traders globally. It is designed to deliver a Professional Trader level education to Retail Traders so that Retail Traders can implement and emulate the same approach as used by Professional Traders at Hedge Funds and Investment Bank Proprietary trading desks in their Retail Brokerage Trading Accounts.

The content of the 28 PTM core course videos are a mixture of an Institute of Trading and Portfolio Managements two-day weekend presentation given by ex-Goldman Sachs trader and Managing Partner of the Institute Anton Kreil and includes footage of Anton at his trading desk, teaching you directly as a one to one student. You will also be provided with footage of computer screen filming in which Anton and Institute Analyst Christopher Quill show you on their computer screens how to implement all of the processes that Professional Traders go through each week in the Stock Market at leading Hedge Funds globally and Proprietary Trading Desks at Investment Banks such as Goldman Sachs in order to be consistently profitable in the Financial Markets.

The PTM Video Series is a pre-requisite course for becoming an Institute Trader however when taking the PTM Video Series and the PFTM Video Series together, Retail Traders become more complete Traders because they can effectively trade both Equities and FOREX in a multi-disciplinary approach.

The Professional Options Trading Masterclass (POTM) Video Series is a high level Professional Grade educational Video Series that is broken down into formats that are understandable to Retail Traders globally. It is designed to deliver a Professional Trader level education to Retail Traders so that Retail Traders can implement and emulate the same approach as used by Professional Traders at Hedge Funds and Investment Bank Proprietary trading desks in their Retail Brokerage Trading Accounts.

The POTM is an essential guide on how to trade in the US listed Stock Options Market. As well as covering specific options trading strategies, the course also defines the mandate for retail traders.

The course is led by Anton Kreil, and also features valuable contributions from Raj Malhotra, the former head of securities at Bank of America, and Christopher Quill, one of the most successful long only pension fund managers in the world.
Click here to see an interview between Anton and Raj.

The Professional FOREX Trading Masterclass (PFTM) Video Series is a high level Professional Grade educational Video Series that is broken down into a format that is understandable to Retail Traders globally. The course is designed to deliver a Professional Trader level education to Retail Traders so that Retail Traders can implement and emulate the same approach as used by Professional Traders at Hedge Funds and Investment Bank Proprietary trading desks in their Retail Brokerage Trading Accounts.

The PFTM series is a Top Down Multi Asset Class Systematic Framework, that concentrates specifically on the Currency (FOREX) markets. The PFTM Video Series teaches students exactly how Professional Traders at Hedge Funds and Investment Banks utilise Macroeconomics in order to build a robust and repeatable Systematic Framework for assessing trading opportunities specifically in the FOREX markets. Applied Macroeconomic Fundamentals, directly drawn on from the Professional Trader world, whereby the Fundamentals used are typically handled in a totally different way to the way in which Retail Traders perceive they are used. This set of disciplines taught in the PFTM Video Series also applies to Technical Analysis, Price Action and Risk Management.

The PTM Video Series is a pre-requisite course for becoming an Institute Trader however when taking the PTM Video Series and the PFTM Video Series together, Retail Traders become more complete Traders because they can effectively trade both Equities and FOREX in a multi-disciplinary approach.